What's new
A summary of amendments and additions to this website.
January - March 2007
- 21 March - Lyons Inquiry final report and recommendations
- 16 February - Lyons announces forthcoming conference on final report and recommendations
- 19 March - Lyons announces publication date for final report - "Place-shaping: a shared ambition for the future of local government"
- 16 February - Lyons announces forthcoming conference on final report and recommendations
October - December 2006
- 11 December - Lyons seeks views on maximising local government's contribution to future economic prosperity
- 6 December - Lyons Inquiry to advise Government on the implications of Barker, Leitch and Eddington for local government
- 20 November - Lyons publishes findings from public deliberation events
- 14 November - Lyons publishes summary of stakeholder events
July - September 2006
- 8 September - Lyons to challenge local government and businesses to work together effectively in promoting economic prosperity
- 17 August - Lyons to meet businesses to discuss local economic prosperity, August 2006
- 1 August - Lyons Inquiry newsletter to stakeholders
- 21 July - Lyons Inquiry engages public across England, July and August 2006
- July 2006 - Lyons Inquiry seminar - Economic prosperity: the local contribution, 14 September 2006, central London
- 5 July - "Local government's active support is needed now" says Lyons
April - June 2006
- 22 June - Voluntary and community organisations have a key role to play in place shaping (Adobe Acrobat file: 100kb)
- 21 June - Lyons calls for councils to promote the role of housing in effective place shaping
- 14 June - Council finance chiefs should be "finance directors for council and community" says Lyons
- 8 May: Sir Michael Lyons publishes his latest thinking on the future role and function of local government
- 25 April: Lyons Inquiry to launch Spring Paper
January - March 2006
- 28 February: Lyons looks to devolution to improve public services
- 7 February: Sir Michael Lyons promotes open debate - through new look website - on the future of local government
- 31 January: Sir Michael Lyons challenges local government to "take debate to the public"
January - December 2005
- 15 December: Consultation Paper and Interim Report published
- 20 September: Lyons Inquiry into Local Government Funding: remit extended
October - December 2004
- 4 October: Lyons Inquiry into Local Government Funding: open for business