Lyons Inquiry final report and associated documents
This section of the website provides links to all parts of Sir Michael's final report on the form, function and funding of local government, and to documents from launch of the report.
Lyons Inquiry conference: Final Report and Recommendations, 27 March 2007
Launch of the final report, 21 March 2007
Printed copies of the final report can be purchased from
The Stationery Office, quoting ISBN: 978-0-11-989854-5
Final report contents
Executive Summary
Preface by Sir Michael Lyons
Executive summary
(Adobe Acrobat file, 2,962kb)
Part I: Background to the Inquiry
1. Local government: a continuing debate
Context for the Inquiry
The history of local government
(Adobe Acrobat file, 696kb)
2. Local government in the 21st century: what is it for?
Theories of local government
The modern role for local government
What do we want from local government?
(Adobe Acrobat file, 224kb)
Part II: Problems and solutions
3. What is limiting modern local government?
High degree of central control
Lack of flexibility
Expectations and pressures on services
Confused accountability
Public attitudes
Poor incentives in distribution of national resources
(Adobe Acrobat file, 275kb)
4. Central government's contribution to reform
Improving accountability
Protecting flexibility
What this means for services
(Adobe Acrobat file, 408kb)
5. Local government's contribution to reform
Place shaping - the challenge for local government
Improving local accountability
Innovative, local solutions to public service challenge
(Adobe Acrobat file, 280kb)
Part III: Funding
6. Funding reform: an introduction
Objectives for reform
Framing a package of reform
(Adobe Acrobat file, 163kb)
7. Household taxation and local charges
Council tax
Council tax benefit
Local income tax
Local service charges
(Adobe Acrobat file, 419kb)
8. Business taxation
Business rates
Section 106 and planning gain supplement
Taxes on tourist pressures
(Adobe Acrobat file, 279kb)
9. The funding system and incentives
incentives, equalisation and grant
Shared revenues to support local services
(Adobe Acrobat file, 266kb)
Part IV: Conclusions
10. A developmental approach
Changing behaviours
Legislative and policy changes
Options for future governments
Underpinning the developmental approach
(Adobe Acrobat file, 163kb)
Summary of recommendations
(Adobe Acrobat file, 126kb)
(Adobe Acrobat file, 101kb)
Download full report, excluding annexes
(Adobe Acrobat file, 5,521kb)
Annexes to the report
Annex A
Understanding the current grant distribution system
(Adobe Acrobat file, 121kb)
Annex B
Introduction to the modelling used in the report
(Adobe Acrobat file, 108kb)
Annex C
Background to support Chapter 7
(Adobe Acrobat file, 342kb)
Annex D
Background to support Chapter 8
(Adobe Acrobat file, 136kb)
Annex E
Background to support Chapter 9
(Adobe Acrobat file, 148kb)
Annex F
Summary of submissions
(Adobe Acrobat file, 167kb)
Annex G
Stakeholder views on Barker, Eddington and Leitch
(Adobe Acrobat file, 133kb)
Annex H
Research and stakeholder engagement
(Adobe Acrobat file, 156kb)
Research published alongside the final report
Lyons Inquiry survey 2007
(Adobe Acrobat file, 1,853kb)
Sir Michael Lyons

Sir Michael Lyons has a distinguished background in local government. Between 1994 and 2001 he held the position of Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council. Before that he was Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Council (1990-1994) and Wolverhampton MBC (1985-1990), following an earlier career in both central and local government with a particular emphasis on urban regeneration and economic development. Between 1980 and 1983 he also served as a Birmingham City Councillor.
He was knighted for services to local government in 2000.
Sir Michael was Professor of Public Policy (2001-2006) at Birmingham University and was Head of the Department of Local Government Studies (2001-2004). He was Deputy Chairman, then Acting Chairman, of the Audit Commission (2003-2006). He was also a member of the independent review of the Fire Service in 2003.
Sir Michael has previously published two reports of his Inquiry work on local government role and funding, which started in the Summer of 2004: "Lyons Inquiry into Local Government: Interim Report and Consultation Paper"; and "National prosperity, local choice and civic engagement: a new partnership between central and local government for the 21st century".
Earlier reviews for Government that Sir Michael has undertaken include:
- "Well Placed to Deliver - Shaping the Pattern of Government Service", published in March 2004, which dealt with the relocation of public sector jobs away from London and the South East; and
- "Towards Better Management of Public Sector Assets - A Report to the Chancellor of the Exchequer", published in December 2004.
Sir Michael is a non-executive director of Mouchel Parkman plc, Wragge & Co and SQW Ltd. His own consultancy has clients in both the public and private sectors. He is also Chair of the English Cities Fund, and Chairman of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Contact details
The Lyons Inquiry has now closed. Please direct your queries to Communities and Local Government or HM Treasury.
Communities and Local Government general enquiries helpline: 020 7944 4400
HM Treasury Correspondence and Enquiry Unit: 020 7270 4558
Further contact details are available on their respective websites
Quick links
Lyons Inquiry archive
The Lyons Inquiry website has been selected for preservation by the The National Archives. Versions of this website, including publications, published documents and selected submissions, can be accessed from
The UK Web Archiving Consortium website.
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