Sir Michael Lyons

Sir Michael Lyons has a distinguished background in local government. Between 1994 and 2001 he held the position of Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council. Before that he was Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Council (1990-1994) and Wolverhampton MBC (1985-1990), following an earlier career in both central and local government with a particular emphasis on urban regeneration and economic development. Between 1980 and 1983 he also served as a Birmingham City Councillor.
He was knighted for services to local government in 2000.
Sir Michael was Professor of Public Policy (2001-2006) at Birmingham University and was Head of the Department of Local Government Studies (2001-2004). He was Deputy Chairman, then Acting Chairman, of the Audit Commission (2003-2006). He was also a member of the independent review of the Fire Service in 2003.
Sir Michael has previously published two reports of his Inquiry work on local government role and funding, which started in the Summer of 2004: "Lyons Inquiry into Local Government: Interim Report and Consultation Paper"; and "National prosperity, local choice and civic engagement: a new partnership between central and local government for the 21st century".
Earlier reviews for Government that Sir Michael has undertaken include:
- "Well Placed to Deliver - Shaping the Pattern of Government Service", published in March 2004, which dealt with the relocation of public sector jobs away from London and the South East; and
- "Towards Better Management of Public Sector Assets - A Report to the Chancellor of the Exchequer", published in December 2004.
Sir Michael is a non-executive director of Mouchel Parkman plc, Wragge & Co and SQW Ltd. His own consultancy has clients in both the public and private sectors. He is also Chair of the English Cities Fund, and Chairman of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra